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Principles Grounding the MSPF:

The effort to profile the impact of substance use in Maryland, described in the MSPF Strategic Plan, was undertaken with the goal of facilitating a systematic, data driven approach to generating and monitoring priorities for prevention in Maryland. This novel approach to prevention for the state, advocated by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), maintains that prevention should:


  • be outcomes based;

  • be public health-oriented; and

  • use epidemiological data. 




Minority Outreach & Technical Assistance

In 2010, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene announced the expansion of MHHD beyond Tobacco and Cancer to reduce racial and ethnic health disparities throughout the State of Maryland.  The expanded focus now includes major health disparities that affect racial and ethnic minority communities such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, infant mortality, obesity, and asthma.



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